Open scene, go to SDFImage and expand its section called Layers.


Version 1.1.x fetures more per instance properties, and much more now can be configured in SDFImage rather then Material. Lest go over them:

Main Color

Tint color over all three layers, it is Vertex color, meaning its passed in each UI mesh vertex. Effect is not noticible for shadow since its black, but for Regular and Outline layer effect is visible.

 changed, it affects all layers

Main Color changed, it affects all layers



Determines is regular layer enabled, try disabling it. As you can see source sprite disappeared, leaving only two SDF layers to render. Disabling layer means removing its mesh, each layer is rendered on its own mesh.

Disabled Regular layer

Disabled Regular layer


Vertex color of this particular layer. Notice that I enabled Regular layer, reseted Main Color to white and changed Regular layer Color to green. As you can see only regular part of image has tinted green color, it does not affects neither Outline or Shadow layers.



Its first SDF Layer, I has the same Enabled and Color properties, same as any layer, but has new one called Width. Width is passed as vertex data in UV0 cahnnel as W axis.

Changed color with  0.65

Changed color with Width 0.65

 setted to 0.8

Width setted to 0.8


Range is [0 - 1], where 0 is inner edge of generated signed field, and 1 is outer edge of sdf. Value of 0.5 is at direct edge of an source sprite, try to set Width to 0.5 and disable Regular layer.
